Keeping Hope alive
The Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established in 2000 to respond to an increasingly complex and deteriorating refugee situation in Kenya, the Great Lakes, and the Horn of African Region.
Since inception, the organization has influenced government, partners, and donors to invest in changing social attitudes and norms, policies, laws, and public opinion with the aim of protecting and promoting the well-being, voice, and dignity of displaced and host populations.

Our Strategic Goal

Our Approach
We aim to drive systemic, social and organizational development changes that enable displaced and host populations to claim their rights.
Our Theory of Change is based on the belief that if a society is just and inclusive, and the rights, voice, well-being, and dignity of displaced and host populations are protected and promoted, then these populations living in adversity will be empowered to achieve their full potential.

Local Steps to Global Goals
The Sustainable Development Goals’ commitment to “Leave no one behind” strongly aligns with RCK’s mandate. We recognize that forcefully displaced populations and other vulnerable groups are among those furthest behind in achieving these goals.
To address this critical gap, we are actively working to accelerate progress towards the SDGs by 2030, with a focus on refugees,displaced people and host populations. Our interventions target discrimination and inequalities, ensuring sustainable solutions through a Humanitarian-
Development – Peace nexus in all our work.
In this regard, we focus our interventions to address discrimination and inequalities (often multiple and intersecting) that undermine the agency of people as holders of rights. We ensure that our interventions do no harm to the displaced and host populations. We have adopted a community led, age, gender and diversity, rights-based approach in all our interventions and work.
Impact by the Numbers
So far, our impact has changed more than 6 million targeted individuals especially those in need of our commitment and success in various areas.
2027 Targets