International Networks

International Council for Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)

This is a global network of NGOs which seeks to enhance collaboration and coordination for NGOs and other humanitarian actors which is crucial to improving the lives of communities affected by humanitarian crises. RCK sits in the board of ICVA and has been instrumental in profiling issues of refugees and other forced migrants within Kenya and the Horn of Africa region at the international level, especially during the UNHCR Executive Committee meetings and annual consultations.

International Detention Coalition(IDC)

This is an international non-profit network of organization that advocates for greater respect for the human rights of detainees. RCK does participates in the Coalition’s international and regional conferences and workshops and has been instrumental in the Coalition’s advocacy on alternatives to detention.

Universal Periodic Review(UPR) and ICCPR

RCK has been participating in the monitoring of state compliance to various international treaties and conventions that it is a party to through the development and contributing to the alternative/shadow reports developed by various civil society organizations. RCK has been able to profile issues of refugees and IDPs in the reports. The process of developing the shadow reports are steered by the Kenyan National Commission on Human Rights.

African Commission on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR)

RCK has applied for observer status and we will be participating in the 54th Ordinary Session of the Commission. RCK has also been involved in the development of the shadow/alternative reports developed by CSOs to highlight the status of human rights in Kenya. In particular RCK has highlighted the plight of refugees and IDPs in Kenya and the emerging gaps as far as implementation by the Kenyan Government on the various regional African conventions that it is a party to.

CHS Alliance

The CHS Alliance is a global network of humanitarian organizations committed to enhancing accountability and aid effectiveness. RCK is a proud signatory to the CHS Alliance’s Statement of Commitment, integrating Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) principles into our work. This partnership strengthens our ability to serve refugees and forced migrants in Kenya and the Horn of Africa. By aligning with CHS Alliance, RCK contributes to a more equitable aid system, ensuring crisis-affected communities remain at the heart of our efforts.

Charter 4 Change.

Charter 4 Change is an initiative endorsed by southern-based NGOs, including RCK, to localize humanitarian aid. As a signatory, RCK commits to advocacy for increased direct funding to southern-based NGOs for humanitarian action. We support the goal of allocating at least 20% of humanitarian funding to local NGOs by 2018. This partnership enables RCK to contribute to reshaping the humanitarian system, promoting locally-led responses, and connecting NGO partners with direct donors to enhance aid effectiveness in Kenya and the Horn of Africa.