Legal Aid and Governance

Providing Legal Aid Services to Protect and Advocate for Displaced Populations

Building on the success of our hallmark legal aid programme, the next five years will see us advising and representing displaced populations on legal matters related to their welfare and rights. Our partnership with institutions responsible for the administration of justice and governance will be fortified, with a focus on Alternative Dispute Resolution.

Advocating for Policy Reform, Legal Empowerment, and Capacity Building for Local Authorities

Our legal aid and governance initiatives focus on advocating for policy reform, legal empowerment, and capacity building for local authorities. Playing a pivotal role in implementing the Refugee Act 2021 and developing requisite regulations is a top priority.

Increasing Access to Justice and Strengthening Legal Frameworks

Advocating for the development and implementation of inclusive laws, policies, and systems for displaced and host populations remains paramount to our mission.

We conduct internal legal aid and mobile clinics, providing legal advice and organizing stakeholder forums on various laws as part of our ongoing legal information drive.

Our legal support to community institutions has been enhanced, and we have broadened our services through initiatives such as paralegals and pro-bono advocate engagement. Educational materials are regularly disseminated through community forums and legal information hubs.

Legal Aid Initiatives and Impacts

Awareness creation and sensitization

Sensitize stakeholders on refugee laws and issues to ensure understanding and commitment to adherence.


Strengthened overall support network for refugees and improved implementation of relevant policies leading to an improved protection environment.

Stakeholder engagement

Multi-stakeholder and multi-sectoral participatory forums to ensure diverse views are factored in policy development and implementation.


RCK played a pivotal role in the development of both the 2006 and 2021 legal frameworks for Refugees. The assented 2021 Refugees Act was as a result of various RCK advocacy initiatives including participatory approaches such as facilitating Member’s of Parliament fact finding mission to Kakuma for real life experience on refugees day to day life.

Knowledge generation

Conduct studies and disseminate policy papers on emerging issues in the forced migration space to influence policy and action.


Our research and legal opinion outputs have resulted into actionable recommendations for improvement of the protection environment for displaced. This includes the analysis of The Prevention, Protection and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons and Affected Communities Act, 2012 aimed at operationalization of the IDP Act, 2012, identifying its implementation gaps and providing actionable policy recommendations to inform the basis for evidence-based advocacy

Legal representation

Represent asylum seekers and refugees in courts and detention facilities on asylum related cases; represent asylum seekers during refugee status determination (RSD) process.


Refugees have been able to realize justice within the judicial system through legal representation ensuring enjoyment of rights and protection of freedoms.

Policy development and implementation

Review, engage, discuss and champion policies that are responsive to refugee needs


RCK has spearheaded the review and development of a number of policies at the national and county levels. For instance, as of 2024, the organisation has successfully supported the County Assembly of Turkana to review 21 legislative proposals and the National Government on inclusion of refugees such the collapsed Huduma Bill


Conduct border, detention and transit route monitoring to compliance with principles of refugee protection.


Improved protection regime with reduced cases of arbitrary arrests of genuine asylum seekers by duty bearers realized as a result of frequent interactions with RCK through border, detention and transit route monitoring

Refugee Legal Resources

Explore our collection of accessible legal documents for refugees in Kenya. Our flagship resource is the Refugees Act 2021 Popular Version, available in English, Kiswahili, Nuer, and Dinka languages. These user-friendly materials break down complex legal frameworks into understandable formats, covering refugee rights, protections, and governance structures. Our resources aim to empower refugees, aid workers, and community leaders with essential legal knowledge to support integration, access to services, and informed decision-making in refugee contexts.

Refugees Act 2021 Popular Version (English Language)

Refugees Act 2021 Popular Version (Kiswahili Language)

Refugees Act 2021 Popular Version (Dinka Language)

Refugees Act 2021 Popular Version (Nuer Language)